29 Nov Third meeting for the stakeholders of WSTORE2 project
Last 29th November took place the third meeting of the Life+ project WSTORE2 dedicated to the local stakeholders. The meeting has been organised at Vallevecchia, a
pilot farm managed by Veneto Agricoltura. The participants were relevant authorities with competencies on territorial planning and water management included the
Authority for the environment and landscape of the province of Venice, the Province of Venice, the consortium for drainage of the Eastern Venice and the project’s
partners. The works have been introduced by Starter on behalf of VEGAL, the partner of the project charged for the management of the activities dedicated to local
During the meeting several technical aspects of the WSTORE2 project have been analysed, mainly related to the distribution of water into the project area. Moreover an
inspection has been undertaken to the plants and the more significant natural sites. The meeting has been useful in order to define the state-of-the-art of the project
and to share the best solutions for several technical problems that constituted a risk for the regular evolution of the project.
More information about WSTORE2 project are available in the dedicated page (here) and in the project’s official website (here).