Treviso, future lab!

Parte del gruppo di lavoro MEDIAREE del comune di Treviso. Insieme al Sindaco di Treviso, Mario Conte e al Presidente ANCI, Antonio De Caro.

Celebrating the accomplishment of The Grande Treviso pilot programme.

Making the city increasingly attractive, inclusive, green, sustainable, smart, digital, focused to young generations and open to regional innovations: here’s the vision of the future designed thanks to the MediAree-Next Generation City project, involving the 20 municipalities of the Marca Trevigiana Programmatic Area Agreement.

Thank you to #ANCI, COMUNE DI TREVISO, ‘#IPAmarcatrevigiana, al #PONGovernanceecapacitàistituzionale201420 and to the super-colleagues Liliana Braggion, Lucia BruseganAnada FRANCESCONI, Michele Genovese, Flaviano Mattiuzzo, Marco GranzieroRoberto Pescarollo, and the rest of the team.

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