The first call for submission of project proposals for the new programming period 2014-2020 is now closed. Project proposals could be submitted within the three thematic axes “Research and innovation”,”Nature and culture” and” Institutions”.
They were submitted 66 project proposals, 41 in the axis 1, 19 in the axis 2 and 6 in axis 3.
The ERDF funding made available for this notice is amounted to 30,000,000 Euro. Most of the funds were requested in the axis 1 “Research and innovation” with a total of about 29 million euro. In axis 2 “Nature and Culture”, were requested 15.5 million euro and in Axis 3 “Institutions” only 5 million euro.
Most of the projects partners, 65, are from the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia. 57 partners have their headquarters in the Autonomous Province of Bolzano-South Tyrol. In the Länder of Tyrol, Salzburg and Carinthia are from 30 to 40 partners. With 26 partners, Veneto is the region with the lowest number of partners. However, this date is relative, as the 20 partners located outside the program area, which do not belong to the area of ​​cooperation, come mainly from the area of ​​Veneto.
After the closing of call, the evaluation of proposals submitted by the Joint Secretariat follows, which is supported by the Regional Coordinating Unit and, where useful, by external experts. The evaluation process, which lasts about 25 weeks, consists of two phases: a phase of evaluation for admission and a phase of strategic and operational evaluation.
The approval of the project proposals by the Steering Committee is scheduled for autumn 2016.
For more information visit the programme website
