The Monitoring Committee of the Central Europe Programme met in Dubrovnik on 14th and 15 April, to approve the list of projects to finance. Overall 35 project proposals could pass the whole evaluation procedure successfully, out of a total number of 620 applications that had been...

On 25th March the first call for proposals of ADRION Interreg Programme was closed. Overall, the EU contribution available for this call was 33 Million Euro - 28 Million ERDF and 5 Million IPA II. 376 project proposals were submitted, of which: - 154 under specific objective...

URBACT Programme has issued its 2016 call for proposals for the creation of 15 Implementation Networks. URBACT transnational networks favour exchange and learning to support European cities with the design and implementation of sustainable integrated urban policies. Cities may join URBACT by taking part in 3...

On 14th March Italy-Austria Interreg Programme issued the first notice for submission of project proposals for the 2014-2020 funding period. Funds available for this call are 30,000,000 euro ERDF. The aim of the Interreg Italy-Austria is to strengthen cross-border cooperation in border areas and to contribute to...

On 1st March, the African Biochar Partnership was started in Nairobi. A Memorandum Of Understanding was signed by researchers, private companies, and international organizations - including the African Union Commission and ECREEE-ECOWAS convened in a workshop held back-to-back with the annual meeting of the Biochar...

The second call for proposals of Alpine Space Programme opened on 26th February. To select project proposals, a two-step procedure is foreseen - Expression of Interest and full Application Form. The deadline for the submission of EoIs is 8th April at 2:00 p.m. The Programme Committee will meet...

DG Environment published the provisional planning for 2016 call for proposal, which will be released mid-May. The budget for this call is 337 million Euro divided into different types of projects, to be submitted under the two sub-programmes, Environment and Climate Action. For Traditional projects three...

On 1st February the first call for proposal of Interreg V B Adriatic-Ionian Programme was published. The deadline for submitting project proposals is 25th March 2016 (h. 17:00 CET). This call is open for Priority Axes 1-3 and will finance proposals up to 33 MEUR from...

The Interreg Alpine Space Programme has announced that the second call for proposals will open on 26th February, with the publication of the Terms of Reference on the website. A two-step procedure - Expression of Interest and Application Form - is foreseen according to the following...