On 1st June the 2015 LIFE call for action grants was launched for both "Environment" and "Climate Action" sub-programmes. The total budget available for the present call is 240,811,337 €. 184,141,337 € will finance "Environment" projects and the remaining 56,670,000 € will be for "Climate Action"....

A COSME call for proposals has been published to support the competitiveness and sustainable growth of the European tourism sector (COS-TOUR-2015-3-04). The aim of this call is to strengthen the competitiveness and sustainability of tourism sector in Europe with initiatives that fall under the following...

The deadlines of LIFE 2015 call for proposals, whose opening date will be 1st June, have been updated. The new deadline for traditional projects are: Climate Change (Mitigation, Adptation and Governance & Information): 15th September Environment: 1st October Nature & Biodiversity and Governance & Information:...

On 30th March the first URBACT III call for the creation of 20 Action Planning Networks was published. The main objective of these transnational networks will be to improve the capacity of cities of designing strategic and action plans for integrated urban development through peer...

The DG Environment has communicated the roadmap of the call 2015 of LIFE programme. Compared to 2014 this year the deadline for the submission of 'traditional' LIFE projects has been anticipated at 15th September (last year the deadline was 15th October). The proposals will be submitted...

Last October has been signed a framework agreement regarding assistance provided by Starter to the Committee of the Regions, the advisory body representing local and regional authorities in the European Union. The purpose of the agreement is the provision of scientific, legal, documentary and editorial assistance services...

On 12th February, the first call for proposals of the new Interreg Central Europe Programme will be issued. For this call, the Programme will allocate up to 80 million Euro from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). Project proposals will focus on strengthening innovation, mitigation, protection...

After the formal approval of the Alpine Space Cooperation Programme 2014-2020 on December 17th, the AS Programme is ready to launch the first call: the call is going to open on February 25th with a two steps procedure. During the first step, which will close...