03 Mar Ageing and digital agenda: issues addressed at the strategic seminar for local development of the Opitergino Mottense wide area
“Veneto is depopulating, it is reaching the point of no return of an aging population and the pandemic has further reduced births. The Opitergino Mottense area is also older than the regional average”. This is the alarm launched by the sociologist Vittorio Filippi, after the demographic and socio-economic analyses illustrated by Liliana Braggion and Flaviano Mattiuzzo at the seminar “Towards the strategic and a local development agenda. Covid-19 post-emergency analysis, scenarios and planning”, involving the IPA partners and stakeholders.
The meeting took place in the Municipality of Oderzo on 19 February 2021, in dual mode, allowing participation via web connection, with the presence of the regional councillor Federico Caner, the President of the Chambers of Commerce of Treviso and Belluno Dolomiti and Unioncamere Veneto, Mario Pozza, and the Mayor of Oderzo, Maria Scardellato. Under the coordination of Marco Zabotti, Roberto Masiero, IUAV emeritus and expert in local development and landscape, then highlighted the opportunities arising from digitization, underlining that it is “a mistake to believe that globalization leads to an homologation of individuals and society. Globalization thrives on processes of enhancing the differences, the different identities and the forms that these differences are able to communicate on a global scale”. Then, Michele Genovese, director of the Alta Marca LAG, noted that Europe is securing important resources, both through the Next Generation EU and through the new Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027, capable of supporting the commitment of the territory in responding to these new challenges.