08 Ott Confirmed the success of SIIT project
The project SIIT “Interactive tools for the identification of biodiversity in the trans-boundary area” (www.siit.eu) continues its path as a success story. Funded by the cooperation programme Italia-Slovenia has promoted the creation of dozens on interactive guides for the identification of plants and animals, already available for the citizens.
During the coordination meeting that took place in Nova Gorica (SLO) last 7-8 October the partners analysed the activities undertaken and presented 2 new guides that will join the existing ones soon: one dedicated to the organisms of the beaches and the other to fishes of sea and lagoon.
Mrs. Laura Tizianel and Mr. Giulio Volpi of Starter participated to the meeting as subcontractor of VEGAL partner of the project. The activity of Starter is finalised to improve the use of the guides within the western part of the province of Venice. This activity started in summer 2013 and will continue till October 2014 involving schools and municipalities of western Venice area.