A new proposal for accessible tourism

A new project for improving the tourism in natural areas and parks by people with disabilities has been designed by Starter and submitted to the Commission last 22 October.
European CommissionThe project Parks for all has been promoted by a consortium of private SMEs with the participation of ARP Lazio (the Regional Agency for the management of the protected areas of Lazio Region) and the NGO FISH an association focused on the overlapping of disabilities. The project has also been recognised of interest by Federparchi that has provided a letter of intent providing for a concrete cooperation to the initiative in case it will be funded.
The project has been submitted to the DG Enterprise and Industry within the call Design, Implementation, Promotion and Marketing of Accessible Tourism Itineraries. Foreseen activities include the creation of a web site dedicated to accessible tourism in the Italian parks, the training of the naturalistic guides, the preparation of holiday packages dedicated to people with disabilities and finally the preparation of informative tools for stimulating the production of more initiatives dedicated to accessible tourism in natural areas.
The road map of the call reports that the funded projects, which duration can’t be more than 18 months, will start from March 2014.